Ledyard Parks, Recreation and Senior Center
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Parks, Recreation and Senior Citizens Commission

The Parks, Recreation and Senior Citizens Commission meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at 12 Van Tassel Drive. The Parks, Recreation and Senior Citizens Commission consist of seven Ledyard residents appointed by the Ledyard Town Council for three years. The Parks, Recreation and Senior Citizens Commission has two standing committees: The Administrative Committee and the Facilities Committee. The Administrative Committee reviews all regulations, policies, and budgets, annual and summer reports, assist with budgets, staff hiring, and all administrative functions of the Department. The Facilities Committee oversees all requests for quotations, request for proposals and contracts and reviews all maintenance procedures for outdoor facilities. Every five years the Parks and Recreation Commission appoints members to the Priority Rating Committee. This Committee's assignment is to acquire input from the populace in formulating a Five Year Capital Plan using the criteria set for in Town of Ledyard Ordinance #13.


Carol Schneider
E: estherosenbee@gmail.com


Lauren Hawes
E: hawes.lauren@gmail.com


Loretta Kent
E: rkfam03@aol.com


Lucrezia Finegan
E: lurph@mac.com


Paula Crocker
E: pjc4753@aol.com


Stephanie Bacon
E: bacons1984@gmail.com


Ken DiRico
E: diricokj@comcast.com

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