Ledyard Parks, Recreation and Senior Center
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yoga nidra
Each class is comprised of a unique yoga routine made up of classic yogic poses, asanas, that balance strengthening, stretching, and relaxation. The practice is designed to enhance mental and physical health through attentiveness and ease during activity and rest. No prior experience will be required as a number of options are always offered for each pose. The class is constructed to simultaneously appeal to wide range of experience levels, but with each student receiving tailored attention as needed. A yoga mat and clothing that provides free movement is suggested to enjoy the classes.


This gentle, slow-flow yoga class will ease you into a potpourri of postures that will allow you to stretch, strengthen and relax your entire body, all while practicing various mindful, yoga breathing techniques.  A short guided meditation will end each session.  All levels of experience are welcome!  Please bring a mat and blanket to class. Instructed by Leslie Woods

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Yoga and Meditation with Leslie 
Winter 2024
18y - 99y N/A 01/06/2025 - 03/10/2025
05:30 PM - 06:30 PM

Gales Ferry Community Center
$70.00 R, $80.00 NR
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Yoga and Meditation with Leslie 
Winter 2024
18y - 99y N/A Th  01/09/2025 - 03/13/2025
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Gales Ferry Community Center
$70.00 R, $80.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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